
Body Beautiful Spa


SkinPen Microneedling

SkinPen Microneedling

  • Benefits of SkinPen

    Like Micro-Needling, SkinPen therapy produces improvements in both skin quality and skin texture.

    After the SkinPen micro-needling treatment, you will have some reddening of the skin. Redness typically fades over the next few hours. You will notice visible improvements over the course of several weeks. These include:


    • Reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
    • Improvement in skin firmness and smoother skin texture.
    • Reduction in the appearance of uneven skin tone (hyperpigmentation).
    • Improvement in the appearance of scars and stretch marks.
  • What Can I Expect From SkinPen Therapy?

    A quick procedure with great results!

    Your SkinPen skin rejuvenation treatment begins with application of a topical anesthetic to help ensure your comfort. A new, sterile tip is attached for each treatment. The topical anesthetic is removed, and a thin layer of topical gel is applied to help the SkinPen glide across the skin.

    The tip of the SkinPen is gently pressed against the skin while simultaneously gliding in one direction across the treatment area. Often, multiple passes are performed to deliver the most effective treatment.