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Sculptra is an injectable that works to gradually replace lost collagen. Sculptra can be used to smooth, plump, and replace volume in multiple areas including cheeks, temples, neck, buttocks, hands and more.
Sculptra is an injectable that is FDA approved and proven to reverse volume loss and smooth deep lines. Sculptra is made of poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) which stimulates new collagen production over time within deeper layers of the skin. With results that can last 2-3 years on average, Sculptra is one of the lonest lasting injectable treatment. Results improve overtime with the best results tending to be seen around 6 months after your treatment. As Sculptra is an injectable making it minimally invasive, there is very little to no downtime with this treatment.
Best results can be achieved in 2-3 treatments with results lasting up to and average of 2-3 years!